Welcome to use L3030 laser engraving machine, you can follow the steps below to get started and complete your first work.

  1. Assemble your laser engraving machine
  2. Use computer to visit our official website "" and download the engraving control software of the corresponding machine model.
  3. Install the driver and run the software, then turn on the machine. Start your personal creative journey

Laser engraving machine assembly video

Laser engraving software(VigoWorks) downloading and using video

Quick start steps for software(Win) download and use

  1. Open our website ""
  2. Find the control software of L3030,then click to download it to your computer.
  3. Deompress the file you downloaded just now.The software running OS is Win7 Win8 and Win10. This machine also supports third party engraving software, just like Laser Grbl, Light Burn and so on.
  4. Double-click "CH341SER.EXE" to Install driver in the "Driver_And_FwUpload_Tools" fold, then double-click the VigoWorks.exe file to run the engraving software.
  5. Press the power switch under the engraving machine to turn on the machine.
  6. Connect the USB-Serial cable to both control board and computer.
  7. Click the connection button in the upper left corner of the engraving software,and the software can automatically find the engraving machine and connect it.
  8. Adjust the height of the laser module so that the distance from the light outlet to the surface of the carved object is equal to the height of the focal length measuring column.
  9. Click the gallery button at the top of the software to select an image that you want to engrave and click "Confirm" button.
  10. In the right parameter control area of the software,select an engraving mode. Adjust the size of the engraving picture. Adjust the line engraving speed value to 2000,laser power vlue to 90%,line or point density DPM value to 10.
  11. Click "Confirm" then click "Range Preview" to see if the engraving area is suitable. Stop the preview and click "Start engraving".
  12. The machine start engraving. Wait patiently for your first laser engraving work to be completed.

Software interface and basic function

Vigoworks App using video


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